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solitude can be addictive..

image from © Pinterest

Assalamualaikum and Hi my beloved readers. I'm supposed to talk about my internship in this post, but suddenly something much more interesting caught my attention when I'm about to write today's entry. It's about the act of solitude.
A few years ago, when I was still in matriculation, I still remember I sketch a picture of a girl sitting on the floor, hugging her knees and hiding her face. Then I posted the picture on FB with the caption "I love being alone, but I hate being lonely." I drew it because I want to express my feeling at that moment.
Today, after so long, I started doing it again. I started isolating myself again. But the situation, the feeling is not the same as what I've been through a few years back. This time, I feel happy, calm and I was able to get to know myself better. "How is that possible?", I asked myself. I choose the act of solitude a few years back but I felt lonely and depressed. But why did the act of solitude that I made today makes me feel happy and calm?
While looking for the answer, I bumped into Aida Azlin video about "alone  lonely" (You can simply search this video on youtube if you wanna watch it). This video answered my question. "A huge reason why we feel lonely sometimes is because we're just uncomfortable of being in solitude. But that becomes easier if we just take the time to discover ourselves" - Aida Azlin.
Few years back, I feel lonely because I used the time being alone to think about lots of negative things..but this time, I used the time being alone to improve myself, to discover myself through reading, self-reflection, watching educationals/motivational videos, brainstorming for my blog content and even searching for programs with the community that I can participate.
I agree with Aida when she said "If we can put in so much effort trying to get to know other people, why can't we do the same for ourselves?". 💖
I think that's all for today's entry. I hope you'll gain benefit from this short sharing. 


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